Friday, July 31, 2009

jugding posts 2

Well Daniel's is blank , but if he puts his mind in to it he can do great. Good luck i can not wait to see the first post.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

ICE AGE3: Dawn of the Dinosuors

I just saw ICE AGE3 it was good, it was about Sid finding dino eggs and raises them, but one day the real mother shows up and takes her babies and captures him. Now Manny, Eli, Scratch, Eddie, and Diego go on to save Sid and discover a lost world where dinos rule and a new friend and guide. I give it 9/10.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

The recent game I just played was Super Smash Bros. Brawl. It was awsome dude it is like the best game ever. All the new characters levels, specials man it is way beyond cool better than stupid guitar hero. Thats what I feel, the characters I use are Star Fox,CaptinFalcon, and Mario,and Luigi.

Judging blogs

For Joeseph, his blog was a little hard to under stand beacause he did not captilize the easiest words (no offence ) but I thought it was all right. Take my word for it.
Ulises's blog was good I looked at the comment he made about ICE AGE at first I thought he was gonig to say it was good, but not too good I was shocked beacause I thought it was gonig to be good like the last two. I also liked that game he posted except how do you win?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Brain Pop: Immigration

The clip I just saw was about immigration and race.How people started coming here for a better future. The score I got on the quiz was 9/10.

Brain Pop: Communism

The clip I just saw was about communism. It explained of how it was it made or brought up before it was perfected by historic communism like Che, Mao, and e.c.t.
On the quiz I got 8/10.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Brain Pop Che Guevara

The video I just saw was about Che Guevara. It was about the start of Che's historic revolution and what he stand for. It was good, great deatails and facts.
On the quiz I got 8/10.